National Policing Digital Strategy
The National Policing Digital Strategy 2020-2030: Digital, Data and Technology Strategy (the Strategy) was launched at the Police Digital Summit 2020.
The Strategy has been developed by the service in response to the digital challenges we face, but ultimately for the benefit of the public we serve.

Our digital ambitions and priorities
This strategy considers the internal and external pressures facing the service and presents five key digital ambitions, each with a set of digital priorities to guide focus and investment.
For each of these ambitions we envisaged the service we want to be in 2030, and how we can harness the opportunities of existing and disruptive digital technologies and capabilities.
1. Seamless Citizen Experience
We will deliver seamless, digitally enabled experiences. The public will have more choice in how they engage with us, using channels, media or devices most relevant to them. We will be able to connect citizen interactions, information and data across departments, and across forces to build a more credible and richer intelligence picture, all whilst maintaining public trust by ethically acquiring, exploiting and sharing their data
2. Addressing Harm
We will harness the power of digital technologies and behaviours to identify the risk of harm and protect the vulnerable in the physical and digital world. We will deliver earlier, more precise and targeted proactive policing approaches and early interventions through the application of digital technology.
3. Enabling Officers & Staff Through Digital
We will invest in our people, from leadership through to the front-line, to ensure they are equipped with the right capabilities (knowledge, skills and tools) to deal with increasingly complex crimes. We will establish digital leadership and ways of working to allow our workforce to focus on critical and value-adding activities.
4. Embedding A Whole Public System Approach
We will foster a philosophy of openness and deepen our collaboration with our public sector partners to jointly design and tackle complex public safety issues – sharing data insights and making use of digital tools to work more effectively across the public safety system, ensuring we do so in an ethical way to safeguard public trust.
5. Empower The Private Sector
We will strengthen our relationships with the private sector to empower it to appropriately share in public safety responsibilities. The private sector, and the users of its services, have always shared responsibility for elements of public safety and, as technologies become easier and more accessible, there are new ways to safely empower those with an active desire to help.
Delivering the Strategy
If we are to achieve these goals, we must improve the way we use data and technology and, importantly, the development of the people who lead, manage and use digital capabilities.
Policing in the UK sets the standard for law enforcement agencies across the globe. New technologies and technical skills shortages have put our service under pressure. However, new technologies that already exist or can be developed also present our service with opportunities to modernise, become more efficient and better equip and enable our officers.
The Police Digital Service is driven by the mission to support policing to keep people safe, get more from technology investments and make better use of public money. The Company has been instrumental in delivering a number of important programmes for policing and we are excited to begin working with stakeholders across policing to deliver on the Digital Strategy’s ambitions.
The Strategy was co-authored by the National Police Technology Council and the Police Digital Service.
Download the Strategy
The National Policing Digital Strategy 2020-2030 was co-authored by the Police Digital Service and the National Police Technology Council on behalf of the Information Management and Operational Requirements Coordination Committee (IMORCC).