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Articles of Association

The Police Digital Service Articles of Association set out governance arrangements to include a Board of Directors comprising of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), representatives of other policing governance bodies, representatives from Operational Policing at Chief Officer level and representatives of the Home Office.

The Police Digital Service Board has been meeting at least quarterly to provide strategic direction and to review progress against our business plan, financial report, performance report and risk register. An opportunity to review the performance of the PDS and endorse the business plan and budget for the forthcoming year is provided at the Annual General Meeting.

Who’s on our Board?

The Police Digital Service Board consists of Police and Crime Commissioners, a representative from the “other policing governance bodies”, plus representatives from Operational Policing at Chief Officer level and the Home Office.

In addition, the Police Digital Service regularly engages with members at the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners’ General Meetings and regional meetings which take place throughout the year, to ensure Members are informed of the work of the PDS and that this work is adding value.

Gifts and Hospitality Register

Details of gifts and hospitality given and received by employees of the Police Digital Service.


Q3 2019
PDF Document

Q4 2019
PDF Document


Q1 2020
PDF Document

Q2 2020
PDF Document

Q3 2020
PDF Document

Q4 2020
PDF Document


Q1 2021
PDF Document

Q2 2021
PDF Document

Q3 2021
PDF Document

Q4 2021
PDF Document

Q1 2022
PDF Document

Q2 2022
PDF Document

Q3 2022
PDF Document

Q4 2022
PDF Document

Q1 2023
PDF Document

Q2 2023
PDF Document

Q3 2023
PDF Document

Q4 2023
PDF Document