Too Many Teams? – join our webinar to learn how to improve internal engagement
Over the past couple of years we have seen an incredible adoption on M365 and Teams, and it’s clear policing has now adopted the ‘hybrid’ way of working. But some colleagues are finding they are members of dozens of different Teams and Channels and it find it overwhelming or having difficultly in navigating all the different channels and teams.
To be better communicators we need to recognise a difference between a team and an internal community. Teams has been a fantastic addition to the way we work but as our approach to digital engagement matures we need to think about the other tools that are fully integrated in the M365 stack and how they enable more effective, relevant and useful internal engagement.
Lets start by defining the differences between a team and community.
Firstly – in a police or work context, a team are the colleagues in our unit or business area who you work closely with, have similar roles and are managed together. In forces, examples of teams include the finance team, a neighbourhood policing team including PCs, PCSOs Sgts etc, response officers or a local CID department. They often include people in different ranks and roles, or people with different skills and access. But they work and collaborate together to deliver policing services, often share access to the same data and files.

However many of those in a TEAM will often share skills, access and interest in areas of business with other colleagues in different functional teams. One of the best examples of this would be Public Order Policing.
Many police officers undergo the additional training and have the additional responsibilities associated with policing football matches, events and public order situations. When a police support unit is called together, they are often made up of people with a range of ‘day jobs’. But they all need to be kept up to date on the training, updates to plans or policy, operational updates etc.
Another example of a community could be the force or dept. football team, or a staff association. Of course you could administer this with a MS TEAM, but in this weeks webinar we will briefly explore how Yammer and it’s new integration with Viva Engage and MS Teams could be a better option.
Replay our webinar on Accessibility below:
Join our webinar on Wednesday 25 January to hear more about Yammer, explore how it is now integrated into the Microsoft 365 platform, and how it’s already improving the internal communications experience in policing.
In a few weeks we will be following up the webinar with a fully interactive workshop, where colleagues from forces who are already using Yammer will share their experience. We will also have experts from Microsoft on hand to explain how to implement it, and manage the approach as part of a strategic internal communications offer.
You can register now for updates and invitations to the workshop (police only) via this form.
More information and a draft governance framework is already available in the PDS Enabling Centre.